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2023年07月28日 11:35????信息來源:資生堂麗源化妝品有限公司





SLC received the carbon neutrality certification from BDA

On July 12, Shiseido Liyuan Cosmetics Co., LTD. (SLC) was awarded the carbon neutrality certification at the launch of the 2023 Energy Saving Publicity Week and Low Carbon Day held by Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone (BDA).

SLC, as the first enterprise in BDA, has adhered to green environmental protection for many years while striving to achieve economic benefits. From the cosmetics industry's first ISO14001 environmental management system certification, to the introduction of product replacement, the use of environmentally friendly paper, to the energy-saving transformation of factory facilities, factory roof photovoltaic projects and a series of initiatives, SLC adheres to the concept of sustainable development of Shiseido Group, and constantly reduces the total carbon emissions and increases the use of new energy. Strive to achieve carbon neutrality goals.

Through its own new energy development and utilization, energy conservation and carbon reduction, and carbon sink offset, SLC achieved carbon neutrality in 2022, and its process met the requirements of the Carbon Neutrality Certification Code (PAS2060-2014), and successfully obtained the carbon neutrality certification certificate.

In the future, SLC will continue to be committed to being an environmentally friendly enterprise and become a practitioner and disseminator of sustainable development.